Why should a man get a manicure or a facial?
Sexy Factor! Let’s face it, when a man takes pride in the way he looks, it is sexy.
It Feels Good! Although the actual manicures and pedicures feel good on their own, don’t forget the hand and foot massage which makes them feel that much more wonderful.
Stress Release! Taking an hour or so to get a manicure and pedicure can give a man some down time to relax and take his mind off some of the pressing issues he has to deal with. This is good for the mind, body and spirit, even for a man!
Healthy Feet & Hands! During pedicures dead skin is exfoliated away, helping to diminish calluses and potential dead skin build-up that can lead to bigger problems down the line. During both manicures and pedicures, the cuticles are cleaned up, which eliminates painful and unsightly hang nails.
It Looks Good! If a man is tough on his hands and feet (construction workers are a great example of this), they can end up looking a bit worn and unattractive. Getting regular manicures and pedicures will help keep hands and feet looking their best at all times.
A Softer Touch! This one really benefits women. Getting manicures and pedicures promotes softer skin on the hands and feet, which makes his touch that much sweeter. With that said, we can’t wait to see you!